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Category Archives: Gazette

football on a baseball diamond

st john’s prep, the catholic high school in frederick, plays their home football games at mccurdy field, aView full post »

state of the bingo world…lonely

i made this image on an assignment for the local weekly newspaper. the story was about declining attendance at bingoView full post »

run out to see runaways

tuesday evening i had the pleasure of photographing a dress rehearsal for the musical “runaways,” which isView full post »

a photo fan in middletown

i knew i was in for a treat on this assignment the instant i stepped from my car. from across the street someone yelledView full post »

hot dog!

saturday evening i had the pleasure of shooting a hot dog eating contest for the newspaper. the contest, sponsored byView full post »

great food and crazy cool light!

well, i thought i had done it all. my time in newspaper photojournalism lasted a brief 8 years, but in that time i hadView full post »