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hot dog!

saturday evening i had the pleasure of shooting a hot dog eating contest for the newspaper. the contest, sponsored by the downtown frederick partnership and five guys burgers, was in downtown frederick along the carroll creek linear park.

there were two contests that evening, i took the second one, hoping more people would show up. sure enough, a crowd of about 50 waited in anticipation for the eight contestants to start eating as many dogs as they could in ten minutes. right away, i knew one contestant was going make good pictures. they only woman in the group, elena juris of dc, started to giggle even before time started.

the next four frames, taken within the first minute, show just how she felt about participating in the mother of all food-eating contests!

she just realized what she got herself into!

she ended up eating only 2 hot dogs, but had fun doing it! the rest of the dogs she didn’t eat, which each contestant got to keep, went to some homeless folks later that evening. thanks for being such a sport, elena!

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